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Sheriff's Statement

Welcome to our Pacific County Sheriff’s Office website. It is our hope that with this website you will learn what the Office of the Sheriff is, how we serve the People, and can obtain the resources you need.


At the heart of our work is a commitment to the safety of the People and the well-being of all who visit and call Pacific County home. There are many divisions of the Pacific County Sheriff’s Office, all of which strive to serve you with integrity, professionalism, and dedication.


The Civil Division of the Sheriff’s Office is here to help you in many ways, including Civil Process & Paper Service, Concealed Pistol Licenses, Fingerprinting, Sheriff’s Sales, Writs of Restitution, Property & Evidence, Public Disclosure Requests, Harvest Permits, and will most likely be the first person you talk to when you call our business offices or come to our offices in both Long Beach and South Bend.

Sheriff and his deputies
Sheriff sitting on a dunk tank
Sunset over a river
Canine officer
Sheriff and deputies holding American flag

As the only jail in Pacific County, the Corrections Division of the Sheriff’s Office is responsible for the booking, housing, and welfare of all adult offenders in the Jail. In addition to this enormous task, our Corrections Deputies provide courtroom bailiff services, transports, process bail bonds, oversee volunteers, and sex offender registration processing. Additionally, we work alongside the Pacific County Health and Human Services, who provide our inmates with many resources; our Corrections Division ensures the safety of all who enter the jail to assist our inmates.

The faces you will most often see representing PCSO are those of our Patrol Division. Patrol provides professional law enforcement services to the People living and visiting Pacific County. This hard-working division is responsible for responding to crimes in progress, cold crimes, criminal investigations, both emergency and non-emergency calls for service, and traffic enforcement. The special units within patrol consist of K-9 Units, Detectives, and a Civil & Registered Sex Offender Unit. 

Confiscated drugs on a table
Sheriff standing with his deputies in front of a cruiser
Sheriff and deputies black and white image
Confiscated guns and narcotics
Corrections officers
Sheriff in front of Town Hall

At the Pacific County Sheriff's Office, our command staff embodies a wealth of experience, dedication, and leadership. Led by Sheriff Daniel Garcia, our command staff includes Mike Ray, Undersheriff, whose extensive background in law enforcement in Pacific County brings invaluable expertise to our operations. Alongside them, Mike Parker, Commander, provides strategic direction and oversight over our Corrections Division, Drug Task Force, Reserve Deputy Program Search and Rescue, and volunteer program. Randy Wiegardt, Chief Criminal Deputy, contributes steadfast leadership and experience overseeing our Patrol Division, K-9 Units, Detectives, Civil & RSO field operations, and Chaplain services. Hollie Billeci, Chief Civil Deputy, provides a great deal of expertise and direction to our command staff, ensuring seamless coordination and effective execution of civil operations and financial oversight critical to the functioning of the Pacific County Sheriff's Office. With their combined leadership and combined experience in law enforcement in Pacific County of over seven decades, our command staff fosters a culture of collaboration, integrity, and accountability, guiding our agency in its mission to serve and protect the residents of Pacific County.


As your sheriff, I am blessed and honored to serve alongside the dedicated men and women of the Pacific County Sheriff’s Office. Together, we will continue to work tirelessly to keep the peace and arrest those who break it. I was elected by the People, and I answer directly to you.


-Sheriff Garcia-

Office Hours

South Bend
8:00 AM-4:00 PM

Long Beach
​8:00 AM-4:00 PM

Sheriff Daniel Garcia

Wood Sheriff's Badge

24 Hour Non-Emergency Dispatch
South Bend: 360-875-9397
Long Beach: 360-642-9397

South Bend
Monday & Thursday
1:00 PM-3:00 PM


Long Beach
Tuesday: 9:30 AM-11:30 AM
​Friday: 1:00 PM-2:30 PM


PO Box 27, South Bend, WA 98586 | 360-875-9395

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In accordance with Federal law, Pacific County is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, age, sex (wages), genetics, and retaliation.  To file a complaint of discrimination or affirmative action obligations contact: the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), 1-800-669-4000 (toll-free), 1-800-669-6820 (toll-free TTY number for individuals with hearing impairments), or

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